Weekday Preschool

Welcome to our ministry at FBC Landrum Weekday Preschool!

FBC Landrum Weekday Preschool

This ministry provides education for ages two through four, as well as Toddler Time, a supportive ministry to families with one-year-old toddlers. We strive to provide a quality program where teachers plan activities to meet the physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual needs of each child.

If you are interested in our preschool and would like more information or would like a tour, please call the preschool office at (864)431-7776. Tours are available by appointment on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.

Hours and Rates

We are a half-day preschool. Our standard classroom hours are 8:30-12:00. For an extra fee, we have a non-instructional Early Bird Room which opens at 8:00am, OR we have a Late Stay option from 12-12:30. Under state guidelines, you cannot choose both.



5 days a week: $285/month

3 days a week: $260/month

2 days a week: $245/month


Early Bird Fee OR Late Stay: $40/month

Registration Fee: Non-refundable, $185

Registration 2025-26 School Year:

Registration for the upcoming 2025-2026 school year will open on February 25th for current weekday preschool students and their siblings. Registration will open to the community on March 4th. We will not be accepting applications before March 4th. All registration will be done online using the Brightwheel app. All registrations will go immediately to a waiting list and we will fill classes in the order that registration is submitted. A registration fee will not be charged unless a spot is offered to your child. Once a spot is offered, you will have 24 hours to pay the registration fee online. A spot can only be held with a completed online registration form AND the registration fee. We do keep a waiting list in the event of changes in enrollment during the year. If you have been on the waitlist in previous years, it resets at registration time and you will need to resubmit the registration online.

Registration Information

Below is a list of our class offerings for the 2025-2026 school year. The child's birthday must be before September 1st. A spot can only be held if there is a completed online registration and registration fee. Please email the director with any questions at [email protected].


1-year old class: choice of 2 days (T,TH) 3 days (M,W,F)

or 5 days *see full information page for details, should be walking

2 year old class: choice of 2 days (T, TH) 3 days (M,W,F)

or 5 days

3 year old class: choice of 3 days (M,W,F) or 5 days (M,W,F)

**MUST be potty-trained*

4 year old class: 5 day option only (This helps

with transition to full day 5K)


Registration Fee: Non-refundable, $185

Registration links: Will be posted at 7am on March 4, 2024

*Registration links for the 2025-26 year are not yet available*

Click on the appropriate button below to complete the registration form for your child. You will need to fill out the form on your computer or browser. They are not available yet on the cell phone app. Please be sure to fill the forms out completely and accurately to streamline this process. It will take approximately 48 hours for all forms to be reviewed and approved. You will be contacted to let you know if your child has a spot or is on the waiting list. If a spot is availiable for your child, a registration bill will be generated and you will have 48 hours to pay your bill and secure your child's spot. If your child is on the waiting list, no registration fee will be charged until a spot is available. If you have any issues or questions, please contact the Preschool office at 864-457-4448.

Meet our Weekday Preschool Director

LaRee Jolley is our Weekday Preschool Director. She has been at the preschool for 9 years. First as a 4K teacher and then as director. LaRee received her Education degree from North Greenville University.

Got questions?

If you have further questions concerning our Weekday Preschool Program, please call 864-457-4448 or email [email protected]. For quickest response, please email! Office hours are M-F, 7:30-12:30 during the school year. We are closed during the summer months, so please leave a message or communicate via email.